In Game Name: Sneaky_CatAffiliation: OwnerTown Name: Kings_LandingIs this a protected town: Yes, this is a protected townPending Town Application: Grief Location: 1155 71 -826 :: Blackjack (Missing stairs and clay). 1143 71 -834 :: Entire Road (Missing Quartz Blocks/Stairs, Red Stained Glass, Glowstone) . 1186 68 -776 :: He now sells the griefed Glowstone in a shop within my town. 1197 68 -808 :: Road Again. 1206 71 -866 :: 1 Quartz Stair. 1203 66 -779 :: Big hole in the ground. 1204 75 -753 :: Farm Wall Broken. 1183 69 -751 :: Thanks to @techy88, I know that this plots was super griefed and the blocks were then replaced after an investigator was called. 1174 69 -735 :: Dirt perimeter edge of town removed.Grief Description: Look above.Which users own the griefed area, or are allowed to edit blocks in the area: User owns a plot. (He is now removed from the town)Screenshots to assist Staff identify the grief: Na.Rollback Request: Yes
Estimated value of blocks missing, around 5k. Rollback if applicable. To get the quartz back would take a few hours of mining in the nether. @mr3man
Thank you for filing this grief report @Sneaky_Cat After investigating the grief I've determined that the user mr3man has destroyed: 5 red terracotta 27 orange terracotta 2 torches 33 glowstone 18 quartz blocks 29 red stained glass 17 quartz stair 2 quartz slab 26 coal ore 9 stone 1 stone brick 1 spruce stair 1 oak plank 31 dirt This comes to a total of 202 blocks destroyed. I also found that he placed: 1 quartz_slab 2 oak planks This comes to a total of 3 blocks placed for a total of 205 blocks created/destroyed. I will be banning the user @mr3man for major grief in the town of Kings_Landing. Unfortunately, this grief does not meet the requirements for a rollback. Locked - mr3man banned for Major Grief in the town of Kings_Landing