What is your IGN: Flipy3000 2a. Are you a town/nation - mayor/president or are you a member of a town/nation?: Member of OldBridge 2b.. What is the name of the town/nation (If applicable): OldBridge 3. Is this grief located in the wild? If so is it to a town with an outstanding Mayor application already made?: No 4. What are the co-ordinates of this grief that is to be investigated? [x] [y] [z]: x= 1227 y= 63 z= 242 and x=1262 y= 64 z= 235 5. Additional information/screenshots (If any): 6. Once user is found would you like him to be completely rolled back? If so keep in mind everything he has ever built will be rolled back meaning if he has helped with town projects they may have holes in them. Please answer yes/no here: yes The sugar cane and Melons were stolen. Also my enchantment table at my home was stolen.
User 1: zombie0987 - Reeds User 2: nolez15 - Enchantment table Neither will be rollbacked - As it's not entirely major grief. Please contact your Mayor/President asap about this issue to remove either users. //Locked.