Minecraft Username:[destroyer2441] Affiliation:[co-mayor of the town] Town Name:[fantasticamos] Town World:[rising] Is the Grief located in the Wild? If so, is there a pending Mayor application for this defined region?[No] Co-ordinates of Grief: [ x=7368 y=70 z=2093] [x=7416 y=69 z=2116] not for the second set of coords I replaced the blocks then removed them because it was not working then it started working again so I replaced them. Also pls check all the walls inside the house on the bottom floor Brief Description:[this person griefed many parts of the town but I was not thinking and replaced that area so it is no longer there but the grief is on the top signs but only the right two the other top signs I accidently clicked on so my name is the last person to touch it, @Ladyvamptress helped me with the investigation and may have placed or destroyed blocks so anything said to have been done by her is not grief.] Which users own the griefed area, or are allowed to edit blocks in the area[twingirlaimee and I own the area] Screenshots to assist Staff identify the grief:[N/A] Rollback:[N/A]
hey can this wait to be actually done until 3 days as I am offering a fine instead pls. thx, destroyer2441
@destroyer2441, grief reports have to be acted upon quickly, because the logs on the blocks themselves disappear relatively soon. We either do it now, or we probably won't be able to do it. Entirely up to you, but I'll hold off until I hear from you here on the thread. EDIT: I went ahead and investigated, and I know the identity of the player responsible for placing the 4 signs. However, if you rebuild the griefed area, and include no screenshots with your report, then we have literally no way of knowing what we are supposed to be investigating... so I tp'd to your second set of coordinates and checked out some walls -- but I found nothing, and have no idea if I was even in the right area. So I could mildly warn the offending player for the 4 signs if you so choose, but beyond that, there isn't anything more we can do about this without more evidence. Thread left open for 24 hours for response from @destroyer2441
Well then can this person not be banned because I just made an offer of a fine so I would like if this person not be banned pls let me know if possible