my name - berzerkshadow Resident town name - Sulton Rising not in the wild (x: -1789, Y: 88, Z14087) glass farm furnaces floor and exterior Berzerkshadow, and Woodyt1997 are owners of plot N/A Yes rollback Additional notes supermod Alarah witnessed it as well as moderator **a_man21 and woodyt1997
Thank you for filing this report. Upon Close examination of the area, the following blocks were found to have been disturbed by _thearrow_1: 59 Spruce Planks 6 White Stained Glass Panes 9 Furnaces 1 Spruce fence 1 Ender Chest 67 Crops were also Destroyed and not replanted 23 Birch Planks were also placed. Results: A total of 99 Blocks were destroyed and placed, as well as 67 crops destroyed. Player _thearrow_1 Has been banned for Moderate Block Grief and Minor Crop Grief in the town of Sulton