Unwatch Thread ConferateBoysPresident Member Since: May 17, 2013 Message Count: 161 Gender: Male Location: Canada Ratings Received: +13Minecraft Username:Cibferateboys Affiliation: Town Name: Emeraldfarms Is the Grief located in the Wild? If so, is there a pending Mayor application for this defined region? http://ecocitycraft.com/forum/threads/president-application.65887/#post-313901 Co-ordinates of Grief: -10532 63 530 Brief Description: There was 4 emerald blocks now there is 4 cobble stone blocks 530 Evidence: Rollback: Um maybe if i canHe refuses to give them back to me can u make him do it or ban him?
User -- Hoodedflame Since the user was warned in the last report for the same grief, I will be taking no further action against him. I sadly cannot force him to return the emerald blocks that he took. However, I would highly advise removing this user from the region if he refuses to comply.