User name: UnicornBanana49 Reason: Grief I am sorry that I did this and I understand the rules about grief after reviewing them. I would like to get back on because I have been banned for almost 2.5 months. UnicornBanana49
Hello UnicornBanana49, I am glad that you want to appeal your ban and rejoin the server, however there are a few things that I am required to say first. Griefing in a protected region is not allowed on this server, and users that are found guilty of it will receive a ban for their actions. All blocks edits are logged, and the Staff Team can see who was the one that edited a block. Now, as this is your first ban, and that you have already been banned for over 2 months, I will be changing your ban to a two hour temp ban to read over our server rules, to make sure another incident doesn't happen. We all make mistakes, and it is better to own up to your actions and understand why they were wrong, than just claim that you didn't do them. After you read over the server rules, feel free to come back and play on the server. ^_^ Reason of Ban: Violation of Section II Clause I: Grief in the Main World. User issued two hour temp ban.