my name is codgod123 and the mayor of my town is crossfire26 he sold me a plot a week ago for 15k and the deal went fine it is a huge pumpkin farm. He said theyre will be some minor changes so i figured ok whatever. I put an axtra 10k into it builidng it up and now he tells me sorry u dumbass im worldediting the town tommorow and im not giving any money or anything back. I pleaded with him but he wont do anything and im loosing 2 weeks worth of work for the money and all my farm. I need him banned or warned asap because this CANT happen. I am so sad and i am so mad idk wht im going to do . HE i have screenshots of them telling us what suckers we are and them confiriming theyre world editing it please reply quickly
I did not sell you the farm. It was sold to you by ingolo3. I told you there would be changes, and now those changes are going to end up in an overall world edit. I also stated that I would need to fix up the farm before you were to add on to it, so that it fit the style of the town. I am unable to give you a refund because of unsufficiant funds and the fact that I DID NOT sell you the plot, I simply added you to the town. Also as far as world editing goes, there is nothing illegal about what I am doing. I am giving everyone in the town a 1 week notice as of Friday April 13, 2012. I also have seen you trying to sell this farm, and I will not allow you to sell it to anybody else. Here is a pic: As seen towards the bottom of the chat bar, codgod123 is trying to selling the farm in /ch g.
I was present when everything happened. Cross did not sell the plot to cod, therefor, has no need to refund cod. Crossfire has given everyone notice so he is legally able to world edit. Sorry about your situation cod, but nothing can be done. You should ask ingloo for a refund. Best of luck, nolez15