Minecraft Username: Konradminecraft Affiliation: Town owner. Town Name: Silvermills Town World: legacy Is the Grief located in the Wild? If so, is there a pending Mayor application for this defined region? The grief is located within the town boundaries. Co-ordinates of Grief: X:3685 Y:63 Z:-533 X:3679 Y:64 Z-523 X:3730 Y:68 Z:-563 X:3740 Y:63 Z:-576 X:3639 Y:69 Z:-567 X:3652 Y:63 Z:-503 Brief Description: User greifed part of portal area and a couple residents homes. Evidence: Go to cords and look around the town. Rollback: yes
User has been banned for moderate widespread grief in Silvermills. Unfortunately, the value is not enough for a rollback, nor is the amount of grief he did enough for a roll back. It would take only a few hundred dollars to replace what he griefed.