Minecraft Username: Mring707 Mincraft Username that is being banned: Collinwilliams Affiliation: Co-Mayor Town Name: Allemange Is the Grief located in the Wild? If so, is there a pending Mayor application for this defined region? No, Protected town Co-ordinates of Grief: x: -1081.04559 y: 63.000 z: 1305.30000 f: 0 South Brief Description: He grifed town and my Locker wars, locker was was kept like this for evidence Evidence: That he was online at the time, and his brother griefs and has access to his account so he griefed the town because he is mad at use for town baning him Rollback: no PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS AT A LOCKER WARS BUILDING AND HE STOLE A LOT OF MONEY. HE ALSO GRIEF FOR THAN ONE LOCKER SO LOOK AROUND: ALL LOCKERS WITH MISSING GLASS HAS BEEN GRIFED AND IT WAS ONLY THE FIRST FLOOR. THANK YOU