Fellow username Carnage99r, has greifed. The date of the incedent was Mon. Dec. 17. He has greifed my house currently in the town of Konoha. He does have permission in the town, although he should not. He has stolen my hidden chest with about 200 ECC $ worth of stuff. Also, he locked a fence gate that is leading into my house's roof. Carnage99r has a history for greifing. Thanks
OK, this is a lie, im Carnage99R and you can go see if i locked it, i didn't he is just trying to get me in trouble, and i have no idea why
Deathvice, You need to file a grief report using the proper format located in the sticky post at the top of this forum. I can't investigate to see who did what and take action without a proper report with coordinates, the town name, and other information needed. RagMan