Minecraft Username: harryhaz1 Affiliation: owner Town Name: halivaara Is the Grief located in the Wild? If so, is there a pending Mayor application for this defined region? in town Co-ordinates of Grief: x 147, y 64, z -10010 Brief Description:users house was destroyed and lwc locked by an unknown group of users, currently suspected to be the "beiverhood" ( they left a sign saying so ), Evidence: first image is of the user's greifed house, the second, 2 users who have lwc trolled his front doors Spoiler Rollback: shouldn't be nessesary -note myself and halivaara's co-mayor, killacam, have attempted to fix the greifed house, so just in-case our names come up : P
Done - user banned The users were part of your town..and as of this report still are. seeing as drdoofittle is responsible for the greifing he has been banned and the doors were unlocked. I suggest you revise how many people in your town you trust. You shouldn't have those that you don't there as it leads to just this sort of thing happening I do admire though that unlock alot of people on the sever you have tried to repair the damage and help with the damage control. Please leave the areas in the future however until a mod has seen to the area so we can accurately assess everything about the report