Your probably wondering why i brought you all here today. We are doing the grand opening of America, and even Andrewkm will be in attendance! It will be a big event in a historic landmark that was just finished and re-made on ECC. The Event will take place in America, you can either type "/warp america" if you have TP or you can find our portal on floor 5 middle row in a corner. OR you can just wait for the shouts to be tped. There will be people teleporting and shouting when the specific date is given. ATM there is no ETA because a date has not been given. If you want to receive updates to find out when please inform me on forums. There will be a spectacular firework show during the ceremony. During this event cake and drinks will be provided! Also a big thanks to revanrose6 for hosting a fundraiser to make this possible. And a big thanks to Rheasmom for donating materials to construct the building. Another big thanks to cdlawrence for building this incredible landmark. @michigan42