Hello all, Ive been banned for not purchasing donations when i said i would, and ive been banned. Id like to say a special apology to the following: d_face012 OhMrsKittyKat God_Tenshi and Hiccabup Here are one of the greatest friends i could have asked for on ECC: vanmaren_dude Primzey JamesonIV gregderekryan FLAM1NGDEER erro_syn GoddessLaverna mcg1 TigerWasHere and last but definitely not least, Shinyoka Im sorry to all the people ive disappointed and upset, also to all my friends, i bid you farewell.
While it is sad to see you go it is against the forum rules to have good-bye threads so therefore I will be locking this. Hope to see you again soon, ~sick24 Locked