This is to say: We want our dollar sign back because that is a donaters pride to be who we are, And most people actually donate just so they can get that on there name. So please Andrew can you find a way to put them back or at least make the donaters stand out from the non-donaters. Please people comment and share your thoughts so this gets reconsidered. Thanks. NinjahGlitch
first off lap LAPKING DING DING DING 2nd DDDDDDDDDDDDDDIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG 3rd I think it is a bad idea because 1.No more Tags 2.Ill miss hearing Andrew Scream in Chat DONATIONS PROCESSED DONATIONS PROCESSED and everyone screaming yay and Then we might never know when andrew is on, he will just /v all day long (dont mean to be mean Andrew but it might happen)
I would assume because VIP players have donated a large sum of money to the running of the server and the amount of VIP additions that Andrew have to handle would be manageable.