Hello, I pumpkin farm a lot and I sometimes can't go forward (invisible block glitch) and it gets so bad I have to log out every 5-10 minutes. Can you resolve this or give me some advice?
I can confirm this. Happens to my all the time. I think that it is just some lag. I just move to the left, and then walk around that "laggy spot". It also happens to me when I'm not farming. Not sure what it is, but mods tell me it's just some simple lag.
If you right click with a tool in your hand pointed at that laggy spot, while you're moving into it, the block will reappear and you can remine it. Just walk at a slower speed.
Happens all the time to me but varies in intensity. I would say just be patient with it, it'll subside eventually, relogging doesn't always help. Play some music or something while you play so you don't burst a vein in frustration
Oh I'm sorry I was just trying to help can I like untag him? I thought it was the right thing to do please don't ban me andrew
I just think he should at least see we are all experiencing glitches and problems please don't ban him.