Thread title: every one step in lava makes you stop (basically feeling like a barrier block is in your way) Minecraft Username: LegoSensei Brief Description: when i walk in lava sometimes i get stopped for no reason. basically it stops you from walking for a second and it happens when you swim up lava. Instructions: 1. make a fire resistance potion 2. go to /warp nether 3.swim up the lava waterfall How many times did you recreate this? about 3 out of 4 times Result: nothing really happens after except i get to walk again normally then the glitch happens again Expected Result: i have no expected result Evidence: Any screenshots/videos that can be used to show us as to what happens. Optional, but recommended.
Cannot reproduce. Could be caused by a number of things including Minecraft, our Anti-Cheat (which is soon to be updated), your client, etc.
This is not because of invincibility flags, based on my experiences, it looks like its because of lag + anticheat.
I cannot replicate this either, the next time you see this happening, please can you check your ping to the server (hold Tab). This is most likely an issue with your connection, however as Andrew has stated above, we are revamping our anti-cheat plugin.
Same bug as: Occurs when a player does not have fly enabled and walks/swims in flowing lava. Bug does not occur when /fly is enabled. Updated vid: