Minecraft Username: Mezri Brief Description: Lag spikes make minecraft not able to be played in DisSizTown. I have reported this in game ... but with the new game update, the freezes are closer together and longer. It also affects the surrounding towns such as Shelter.
Yes mob spawning is on. However, a two layer 200x200 farm, mine cart track, and mob spawning were all there before the lag spikes started.
atm moment the plugin that limited mobspawning is not updated so you can have WAY too many mobs in your town.
Yes, but lag is something I can work through. These freeze lag spikes, I can not. It's something else. DisSizTown is not able to be played in right now.
We had the 200x200 Farm, 2 layers & the minecart track with mob spawning enabled, no problems (pre 1.2) As of 1.2 update some chunks would cause the freeze lag spikes. Now, even with loads of light mobs are spawning, causing the epic lag that is current. Just thought I'd help clarify, because it didn't seem clearly explained here ... can't wait for the update for the mob spawning to get turned back down, and hopefully the 1.2.4 fixes the freeze lag spikes, if not I hope that it can be fixed some other way
Yes I have the same problem in my town however the town right next to me has mob spawning and the lag spikes are unbearable I cant even go in my own town D:
I have mob spawning in the town over, and if you're within that town but far enough from the lag spike town, everything is fine.