they arent gift cards are for people who want to save up for a donation feature but they cant buy it at this moment
They contain all the normal risks as always. Absolutely only deal with those you trust. Gift Cards are meant to be saved. Say you have 30-50k in game or $10 at home and you want to save for Fly or something cool, you put it in a gift card and save it for later when you have more money. RagMan
Also with Giftcards, do you get some sort of notification that the transaction was successful? If I payed someone in-game money to donate for me, would I receive a PM? When I donated for MultiHome, I got a PM saying "Andrewkm has awarded you with a medal!" and I knew I got the feature. Or, would it be in the credits thread/ recent donations?
You received a PM due to recieving a new forum medal for donations. If someone donated for you, or you bought one yourself, there usually is no notification. Unless again you reach a new level of donating and recieve another medal. RagMan
Do you get credits towards a new forum metal at all? Do you get them when you buy the gift card or when you redeem it? @andrewkm
It gets listed in the credits thread so you know when the transaction is successful. The only way giftcards are less scam-y is if it turns out to be a scam you will lose less out of it. For example if you buy 6 $10 giftcards, from different players and one turns out to be a scam then you only lose the worth of $10. If you bought $60 all at once and it happened to be a scam you lose $60 worth.