So I read the previous post but it was at 6:30A.M and its 8:12A.M. here. Is it still being reset? It is still down for me. :shock: And we know i'll start having withdrawals
Still can't get on the server (face that shows someone crying hysterically) (tears) (tears) (tears) (tears) (tears) (tears) (tears) (tears) (tears) (tears) (tears) (tears) (tears) (tears) (tears) (tears) (tears) (tears) (tears) (tears) (tears) (tears) (tears) (tears) (tears) (tears) (tears) (tears) (tears) (tears) (tears) (tears) (tears) (tears) (tears) (tears) (tears) (tears) (tears) (tears) (tears) (tears) (tears) (tears) (tears) (tears) (tears) (tears) (tears) (tears) (tears) (tears) (tears) (tears) (tears) (tears) (tears) (tears) (tears) (tears) (tears) (tears) (tears) (tears) (tears) (tears) (tears) (tears) (tears) (tears) (tears) (tears) (tears) (tears) (tears) (tears) (tears) (tears) (tears) (tears) (tears) (tears) (tears) (tears) (tears) (tears) (tears) (tears) (tears) (tears) (tears) (tears) (tears) (tears) (tears) (tears) (tears) (tears) (tears) (rears) (tears)
In another post, it was stated that staff is whitelist for this. On the main page, it states that the reset is to include mobs. This may become interesting. I just wish it would hurry up..
Me too, Im have withdrawals haha. Im sure andrew is trying. First time I ever saw it say 0/215 players.