Well last night I lost a horse to being killed. When I woke up today I saw my 3 horses and a donkey shared with sharkyboy19 and meggie1468 were gone. We were all so depressed you never want it to happen. Till it does! Help Us Get Horse Grief Ilegal!Vote ^^^^^^ Comment your stories and thoughts below!
I agree! My horse ment a lot to me! I bet your horses mean a lot to you to all you ECC players! I would hate to see another horse die! So lets make horse killing illegal!
Swiggle You have no clue how much we cared for them and they were locked in a huge barn with the others we rode them everywhere!
Really??? We loved them we logged off to go to bed brillant. We wake up to this so go complain to someone who likes your nonscence!
1. I don't steal 2. People should protect their horses better. 3. They aren't blocks stealing,its allowed and posting freaking threads like this wont f ing change it god.
plus I have my own horse and its impossible to get in unless tped in, unless you abuse your tp+ unlike me
This is turning into a flame war... but.. I agree with d_face012 and Swiggle. If you just let your horses roam, then you are at risk for horse stealing. If they got stolen, you obviously need better protection, such as double-glass-pane windows (this is so no one can enderpearl in) or make an underwater/ground storage center surrounded by locked items. Finally, you could just buy some stables; it'd be easier. Sorry for your loss, but if you just get better protection, it won't happen again.
megmaemae I never intended to imply that they do, I was simply stating the fact that if they ARE left roaming (which obviously they are not), or (what else I should've included) do not have proper protection for then, then you are at risk. once again, I never intended to imply that they do roam free.
Locked Make a suggestion, simply complaining about it isn't going to support your reasoning to make something illegal. Of course, it's upsetting to have property stolen from you, but just like chests, how are we supposed to enforce stolen horses? We have no logging system to check things as such. It would simply be too hard to follow and enforce. Recreate your thread in the appropriate section. (Suggestions) But have supporting statements, nothing is going to change simply by saying "I'm mad because I lost my horse". How would we enforce it? Any locking plugins? How the community is reacting - Include these things in your suggestion, and it may be considered.