Minecraft Username: cindy_John Brief Description: gates messed up Instructions: 1. go in fortdrum 2. try to open the gate from one side and close it from the other How many times did you recreate this bug?: since the new plugin Result: i have issues getting in and out of the town Expected Result: i should be able to open the gate from one side and close it from the other side Evidence:go in the town to x:-9573, y:74 Z:749 PS. if you need permission for the gate give me a buzz i will be there
that is not the issue mardigan sorry... cause we have issue like that in both of the towns danswaugh should of post it too.. ask sitomo he tried to fix a other issue like that.. and remaking the gates doesnt change anything
Is the issue you don't have enough blocks to close it? I could try to make it check for signs on the exact opposite side of the block too, bu that could get really buggy... Maybe try to just restock the other one?