Minecraft Username: Your Minecraft username here. Brief Description: gate dual gate sign does not work, normally 1 on each side, both would trigger same gate, now only the sign you clicked to raise/open it, can lower/close the gate, before you could use the sign on either side to trigger the same gate from any position. Instructions: 1. Toggle your gate from one side to the "open/raised" position 2. Go to the other side, and click the second toggle sign 3. your gate will not close, says "not enough blocks to trigger mechanic" How many times did you recreate this bug?: almost enough times to rage+quit, it just simply does not work from the sign on the other side. Result: nothing happened, that's the problem Expected Result: second sign should have been able to lower the gate and not give the error message listed above. Evidence: Any screenshots/videos that can be used to show us as to what happens. Optional, but recommended.
That is quite the song you chose.. Anyway, I am having the same problem, just take the same amount of fences that disappear and click on the other sign to put them into it
it just puts the additional fences into the 1 sign again if i trigger the one that was triggered before. it helps for the time being but did not fix how the mechanic worked like it did before.
This is the intended behaviour at least before I had my gap years. The change was due to the signs needing to be used having the pieces in the sign. I was told [two years ago] that both signs needed to have the blocks in the sign.
Actually, this is a bug. I've fixed this in the next build. The only time both signs need to contain the blocks, is when they are not directly opposite each other.