IGN: Nobleghost Brief Description: A gate sign operating two gates can be used to duplicate fences. 1. Create a gate sign 2. Place one gate to the right, and one gate to the left 3. Use the sign a couple of times 4. Close the gate 5. Brake the sign 6. The sign and the number of fences in there pops out(the number goes up every time you use the gate) 7. The gate though is still there, u can place the sign again and repeat. 8. Only happens with signs running two gates. Result: The signs "spawn" fences for you. Evicence: As you can see below, the gate operates 6 fences. However, the number of fences stored in the sign are 30, that number goes up every time you open the gate. It does not revert back to 0 as with normal gates. So if I were to brake that sign I would have 30 fences and two intact gates.