:: Bugs/Exploits :: Gate Bug RaigMuffin When I click on the [gate] it says needs blocks to perform/ failed to find a gate. Instructions: 1. Go to a gate sign 2. click on it 3. let the hilarity ensue .. Enough to know what was happening (4 times) The gate won't close.... The gate should close Here you gohttp://imgur.com/a9QDF1Q
There have been a number of occasions when people in my stable town report that their fence gate for their stable is "broken". I go to investigate, and the problem is usually that they have been repeatedly opening the fence from one side and closing it on the other side, without re-opening it from the other side. This unbalanced usage of the two [GATE] signs has the effect of causing the fences to "migrate" out of one gate sign and into the gate sign on the other side of the gate. No fences are actually being lost in an overall sense, they are just being bunched up in one sign. Once I inform my residents of how this works, they are able to keep it from re-occurring as a problem. I am wondering whether this is what RaigMuffin is experiencing.