I've tried many times to put my signature on here but the image doesn't show when I post comments.. Anyone know what site I can upload the picture to? Tinypic doesn't work for me, nor does imageshack. My signature isn't that great because I'm not a graphics designer. http://imageshack.com/i/0xwfaip
Use imgur to upload the picture and make sure you surround the link with the brackets Sent from my HTC One
Imageshack will work fine, I use it myself, you need the forum link, then goto your sig settings on the forum and paste the link in and then Preview it and it will take a few seconds to show up and then save it.
It still doesn't work.. I tried both of your suggestions. http://prntscr.com/216vdo I have a feeling it's too big for the space provided. I'll make it smaller and see if it works. xD
Right click on the picture and choose "copy image url" then go over to your signature editing page and click the little picture of a tree. A box were you can put text will come up. Paste the copied link in that box click "insert" and it should work fine.
Ohh, thank you. I was copying the url from the address bar. I still need to make it a little smaller.
Yeah, I used to make things a lot but then gave up. Decided to make myself one because I couldn't find a sig maker. xD
There's a download called Minecraft skin viewer. I looked up my skin and then edited it onto a horse. Sounds easy but it took some time. http://prntscr.com/219un4