I know that this was just removed for the funny rating in the forums, I was wondering if this could/would be re-added. Now I know what you are thinking but please hear me out. I was not just thinking just to re-add it just to be a troll but why not (If this is even possible) just to certain parts of the forums. I know there are some places on the forums that just don't need to have a funny rating such as the staff applications and the Ban appeals and complaints, but there are other parts of the forums that I feel need it added. I didn't notice it was taken off until austinsplaneguy told me, I had just used it to give a rating to thehockeykids2 in my post 'You know your a true EcoCityCrafter when...'. I do myself see why it was disabled due to trolls being trolls, but i think that (Once again if this is possible) to be re-added in only some parts of the forums, EX: General discussion, Off topic ETC. When andrewkm or a developer that knows a little bit about the XenForo forums please tell me if this is even possible?
It just does not feel the same like rating you a winner does not mean the same as funny (To me anyways).
I am pretty sure if it was possible to disable it in certain areas, Andrew would have done that. It would require a custom plugin of sorts to do, which - in theory - would cost money, and not be worth it.
Khobbits has no experience making xenforo add-ons, also, the rating system we have is already an add-on, we can't just change it.
He's probably annoyed that we're grumbling about tiny annoying issues that he doesn't want to bother with.
I dont think it would be a small issue if we get enough support from all the users that dislike this.
I don't want the funny rating re-added. I don't care if it's only for certain sections, it was annoying and caused more issues than what it's worth. More than %50 of the time it was issues, even if only in general discussion.
See what I did there? I believe that is called irony and it was funny. Or at least I thought it was. Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
andrew removed it. As from my thread, http://www.ecocitycraft.com/forum/threads/something-that-bothers-me.62680/ that lead to it being removed, im going to quote some things that might/are the reasons it got removed. It was removed because people were abusing it and using the rating to make fun/bully/harrass users, not to use it as it was meant to. Use "agree" or "like" or "winner" or comment a simple "lol" or "that's funny"
I really miss the funny rating. Often I see a funny post and I dot want to comment or anything so I rate it funny. Now I just sort of look at it, feel frustrated the rating is gone, and move on.