So bottom of forum page ( ) shows an overlap here, making the bottom buttons there useless. Any reason for this?
Have you tried the actual page? Mine is longer than the one Avo has, that's why it works fine for me - normal players might have this bug because the content is too short to reach the end of the sidebar, which causes the FB/Twitter/Steam/Mail/RSS icons to appear directly below the end of the content.
I get an overlap when all categories are open: I think this may be due to the temporary "sticky" sidebar feature.
Was this screenshot taken with many staff members online? A long staff list might be useful to reproduce the error.
What browser are you on @Avowin? That information is crucial for these reports. I recommend Firefox. It produces none of these issues. In fact as much as many may not believe it, Microsoft's "Edge" browser is extremely fast and responsive for our website.
Although this time it works fine when I went to look at it. Wonder why it glitched out the first time?
I indeed was able to reproduce this when scrolling very quickly on Chrome. The best browsers it seems for the current forum UI.X update are in this order: 1. Microsoft's Edge (Yes, unbelievable but true) 2. Mozilla's Firefox 3. Google's Chrome 4. Microsoft's Internet Explorer (Absolutely terrible)
Not getting any issues on chrome but this is really interesting. Makes me want to potentially try Edge if I do run into issues in the future.
I tried with chrome aswell, and got the same issue as others. Although i use firefox so i get no issues. (I also agree that internet explorer is terrible )