I have been gone from ECC awhile and thought that in some cases people were scammed, item stolen, ect. and there has been no justice to the victim. I thought that keeping a list on the general form showing the users in game name and the evidence. Please note that this isn't a flame war thread. This is just to check the liability of a player. If you would like to add a name please pm me with the persons in game name and evidence if any. Remember that this is for users that attempted to post a complaint and were not given justice due to lack of evidence/not on server rule list. Your name will remain anonymous always even with request. DISCLAIMER:The creator of this form has gathered information from other users and are for informational purposes only.
I used a fortune 3 pick to break a diamond ore block and got just 1 diamond. omg the injustice of it all !
This will probably be locked and/or removed. Since no evidence is required, anyone can get anyone on this list- anonymously! It's not good in any way.