I am putting together a team of workers We will be doing various jobs including but not limited to; Farming, Clearing land, Mining, and Building I have put together a list of people for this *team* President: Mystron0460(Me) Vice President: ChompinCharlie99 Leader: Chompin_02 Leader: Schloty21 Workers:*Open*(Will Be Listed as Applications are accepted) *All ranks are subject to change* Pay will be divided up in this format: 16% to the president 14% to the vice president 10% to each leader the rest will be divided among the workers needed for job *Pay is subject to change based on job and behavior* To Apply for a position please use the following format(or else it will not be reviewed): Username: Rank applying for: What is your EcoCityCraft Rank currently at: Preferred Tool: (Please be at least diamond and have efficiency II) What are you best at(one of the jobs listed above please or if other specify, If building insert screenshots or link to them): Will you follow the chain of command listed above: How Interested are you(scale of 1-10): To Apply to get a job done please use this format: Username: Job Needed: Area(How Many squares) Amount you will pay(your offer *must* be negotiable, reasonably): How Many Workers Needed: Do you understand you must pay 50% of the money upfront then the rest afterwards: *All requirements must be met and are subject to change on both applying for the team and applying to get a job done*
Username: Schloty21 Rank applying for: leader What is your ecocitycraft rank currently at: Mayor Preferred tool: eff4 unb3 fortune of silk depending on job. What are you best at: Land clearing but I will help build. I have fly so I can clear land like a machine. Will you follow the chain of command listed above: yes How interested are you: 10
Talked it over and Schloty21 is now accepted as leader #2 Thank You and i look forward to working with you!
Hey mystron I was wondering as a leader if i can sign us up for jobs i see on the forums because I'm on the forums for most of the day.
Yea that's great just make a post letting me know about it so we can talk because i would like to review them but you can most definently look and put our name out there but it wont be official until i say it is OK?
Dface as it says in the title we will do any job just put in an app and the leader will review your application.
Chompin your already a leader ok dwite12 fill out application and we will review it And for jasoni we wont do any job that pays less than 10k
I might need you guys to clear out a big piece of land in my town. I'll pm you once I get back in ECC this week.