Minecraft Username: Kato1995 (He is having issues logging in w/ the forum, so I am writing and posting for him. -MoofinK) Brief Description: Going AFK with Eff7 Pickaxe in inventory (hand, specifically), coming back with the Eff7 Pickaxe gone. No other items lost. Instructions: 1. Eff7 Pickaxe in hand, go AFK 2. Be AFK for a bit 3. Come back, Eff7 Pickaxe gone from hand/inventory How many times did you recreate this bug?: Once. Hard to reproduce while AFK and unsure of what happened. Kato1995 said it has happened with other tools in the past, but none as important as Eff7 Pickaxe. Result: Eff7 Pickaxe disappeared while AFK. Expected Result: Eff7 Pickaxe should have not disappeared from hand (inventory). Evidence: None? Kato1995 said no one was around him (when he went AFK and when he came back), no pets could get on the keyboard to hit the Throw key, and that nothing else was gone from his inventory.