FLY,SPEED,and MOBS in pvp

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by uniguy, Mar 21, 2012.

  1. uniguy

    uniguy Builder
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    Oct 27, 2011
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    There are somethings that are making pvp hard. the word hard is a under statement, it makes it impossible!.
    If you go into pvp as a mob you can't be hit. With fly/speed you can move 4times the speed of another player, this is unfare to us pvp'ers who like using skill in pvp. Now we got rid of TP in pvp this is good, but now anyone who has TP+ can get out. That is not fare i would like to see some changes made to pvp. Please let me know what you think about this.
    Thanks uniguy
  2. WallyBean

    WallyBean Builder
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    Jan 16, 2012
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    I agree with your assessment uniguy and sadly it gets brought up fairly regularly. However the argument always go like this:
    Newer people: man pvp is imbalanced as hell, flying etc makes it a bad joke
    donators with flying: we paid for it, its our god given right to have an absurd advantage in pvp, we paid for it, but in case you missed that, we paid for something and all the abuse it entails.

    This will be supported by staff occasionally, perhaps a little flaming happens, new players are baffled. At which point you have 2 choices, some go looking for a server where pvp is on an even playing field and it requires skill. Some will purchase flying and then sit around hoping some poor schlub stumbles in for them to fight who does not have it. Thats the circle of life I guess. I don't think with all the kinks and quirks mc has that pvp is worth bothering with personally but if you really enjoy it and want to do it, thats kinda going to be your two options here man.
  3. D0rc

    D0rc Builder
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    Apr 26, 2011
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    While the reality is that donators can use these features in PvP freely, (Aside from the mob disguising and being invincible thing. That's another story.) and people such as myself completely understand why it's 'fine' to use these features in PvP and nothing is done about it, I still do wish that people couldn't use these features in PvP.

    I PvP regularly, and when I had the ability to fly, I never used it because I knew how much other users hated it when people used fly in PvP. There are quiet a few people who are interested in PvP at spawn, even if Minecrafts main focus is not PvP, and Minecraft PvP isn't that great. However, there were times when somebody would just fly through the arena with no armor and a hoe and people scatter out of the arena. Flying gives such a huge advantage that people who can afford to buy these things are feared to such an extent that it ruins the PvP experience for other users completely. People could just buy a town PvP, yes, but there are people such as myself who want to be able to just have a place to gather for PvP without having to formally challenge another user. The fact that people will leave the arena just at the sight of a user who flies and not come back in until that user logs off is saying quiet a lot about how "unfair" users find it. (Which I know some of the more frequent PvP users, I know that this is all true and that people will pretty much steer clear of the arena at these times.) And don't get me wrong, I'm not just saying this because I find the flying users "unfair" myself. In fact, I like the challenge that they bring. It's just when someone comes flying through the arena at lightning fast speed and kills you instantly with a sharpness V sword before you could even tell they were there when you were totally prepared with all your PvP gear on you, you feel cheated out of your experience, and items.

    The point I'm trying to make here, is that when users who have fly and a single enchanted sword come flying through the arena, there really is no point to have an arena. Nobody goes in there, and those who are brave enough to go in there feel cheated of their items and experience in PvP, or start complaining a lot and cause unnecessary server drama.

    And don't get me wrong here - I still want there to be a PvP arena, I'm just saying, that if donator features like fly are allowed to be used in there, it ruins the experience for everyone and the only person who benefits off of it is the person who has the ability to cough up $60 for fly. (Which 90% of our users hardly have the ability to do so, or refuse to.) I shouldn't have to donate $60 just to have "fun" in PvP during these dangerous times, which are quite frequent. (Also, flying user VS. flying user is quite boring and pointless - trust me, I've tried it before :p)

    I just want users to have fun in PvP, or for there to be no PvP at all. While people are still having fun, the fun diminishes at certain times of day, and at those times of day, it's pointless to have as it causes more problems than there is fun to overcome the problems.

    Unfortunately, I don't think there is an easy way to prevent people flying in PvP. However, I'm stating my opinion on this because it needs to be said (Or rather, because I don't like it when the side I agree with more loses, AND because I'm against fly users in PvP.)

    And also, to avoid future arguments about how people who have more money should have nicer things - yes, that's life. However, when these nice things ruin another persons not as nice but still nice things, it's a different story. You don't see me complaining that my pizza wasn't hot because somebody paid more money than me for a nicer pizza and my meal got delayed because it was 'less important'. Whether this actually happens in real life or not has absolutely nothing to do with this. In most situations, you get a nicer thing, and it doesn't effect anyone else. But when it does effect somebody else who is just trying to "have fun", that's a completely different story that to be honest, shouldn't be that way. All users should not have to play PvP different because somebody else donated and completely changed the way PvP is played. I can beat users who have enchanted items easily unless they have like super armor, but you know how much time it takes to get that armor? A lot more time than it would take to get $60 for fly IRL, which might I add, you can use again and again in PvP without it degrading, unlike armor. (This might be a bit of an exaggeration, but you get my point.) If this is an economy server, than why would one part of it - PvP - even if it's a small part - require you to have to have money in the real economy to have a more fun experience at those times it's needed when PvP was never supposed to be played with something you must pay for in the first place, or just overall? Or require you to want to spend more real money on a game you already paid $20-$30 on? Yes, users can donate for other users, but this can be difficult, time consuming, and unreliable. Again, having money in the real economy, outside of the server economy, means that you can ruin the experience for other users that are just trying to have a fun, fair game experience. Sure, you can get multihomes donation feature, but that doesn't effect that other users homes at all, it just makes you have more. Flying gives you an advantage, too, but this advantage gives other users a disadvantage and changes the way they play the game if used just right, which it is being used that way, making it completely different than all the other donation features and cannot be compared to how anyone could also donate for ecodollars. Donating for ecodollars effects nobody else in a negative way directly, and hardly a negative way at all ever. I'm not against the donator feature fly at all, I'm against using it in PvP because it effects other players negatively aside from being 'jelly' that someone can, for example, set more homes than you. Which doesn't really effect how someone sets a home.

    Something I'd also like to restate in case anyone missed it earlier in the thread - I once was a user with fly. Don't think this is from a standpoint of someone who wishes to have fly but can't so he complains about it. I'm a user who once had the ability to fly in PvP and refused to because I'm against it completely. (Well, I did once or twice... Still, you know what I mean :|)

    I know probably nothing can and will be done, I just want to see if users will understand my point of view on this.

    And to anybody who only skimmed through my post here. I'm in no way bashing anyone, anything, or saying that something has to be changed. I'm just stating my honest opinion on why I disagree with "I donated real money and that means that I should be able to use fly in PvP." If anyone feels that I "insulted them" in someway in this post, then I'll gladly remove/edit whatever it is you think insulted you in some way as it's not my intention to insult anybody.
  4. uniguy

    uniguy Builder
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    Oct 27, 2011
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    Now i don't know if anyone knows this but with the TP+ you can jump out of pvp... now correct me if this is not the case but we got TP taken away in pvp because it was "unfair" well so is all of this why is this any different.
  5. WallyBean

    WallyBean Builder
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    Jan 16, 2012
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    I read it all d0rc. You are to worried about offending someones delicate sensibilities man hehe. It does seem when anyone makes a logical and calm argument as to why flying in pvp is a terrible idea they get hammered with "ur just jealous of us flyers hurrrr" or the we paid for it and so deserve it argument. I like to play legit as much as addons, reality and time allow for it and having had the ability to fly on other servers, it just felt like it took an easy game and made it stupid easy mode. I like the challenge of building and having to use scaffolding, which is even scarier now that I am so high off the ground on my little 1x1 block I can't see the clouds or the ground. Also I find it grounding to do a lap dance to feature ratio. Depending on the stripper, for 60 bucks you could get anywhere from 2-6 lapdances. Gotta keep things in perspective. You could even buy a girl a flower, take her to a so-so dinner, and maybe even a movie for $60 just for you romantics out there.

    Back to the point, its a feature worth offering for sale but I think no one was thinking about pvp when it was added. Now that the genie is out and people have it and have paid for it, they can't really take it back and so pvp just gets to suffer for it I guess. I don't remember seeing pvp used as a selling point of the server in any of the ads I have seen and that might of been intentional since pvp gets ugly with some of the features people can buy. I am sure there are some awesome pvp servers out there if a person took the time to look. Might be able to find a server that provides your pvp fix and let this one handle the rest of your cravings.