This is a VERY important exploit to fix. About a month ago, I saw buckguy92 selling a flame II bow. I had him put in a Donation Chest so I could see it, and it was real. He said he had received it from someone a long time ago. I didn't give it much thought until I was scrolling through the SG kit list and saw the Elemental Punch kit. Since restarts during SG replace your real inventory with your SG inventory, the Flame II bow would be obtainable. A Flame II unobtainable bow could sell for hundreds of thousands of dollars, and be a very easy exploit. Steps: Get Elemental Punch SG kit Go into an SG right before a restart Use the kit After the restart, when you log back in, you should have the Flame II bow in your inventory I have not tested this, but I feel this is these are the only plausible means of getting one. kukelekuuk00 KMaxwell voiD_yO
This doesn't happen during restarts, as restarts properly end games. This happens during a server crash while the game is running.
He did not get it from sg. I remember something happened with an update, and a book got flame 2 on it, so whomever put the book on a bow.