Denied Fishing Mcmmo

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by KaylahJacobs, Dec 15, 2017.

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  1. KaylahJacobs

    KaylahJacobs Builder
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    Sep 19, 2017
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    I am opening a thread because the other one was closed for some reason.

    @andrewkm you stated:
    Hey you stated: Saying you spent money on something just to find out it was now removed is incorrect. It was never on EcoCityCraft to begin with.

    Let me rephrase what I said before. I said I did spend money just to find out it was removed. Let me rather say; I spent money to find it was never a on ecocity to begin with.

    When i first joined a few months ago I looked up mcmmo levels on google because I was not aware of what type of drops you get (new to minecraft in general) I saw that there was mcmmo diamond fishing drops and I also saw that you guys offered mcmmo here as well as levels. So i purchased the levels and a star rod in hopes to get diamond drops. This is 100% honest. I do like supporting the server and have spent about $400 USD to help but this has happened to me a few times now where i have spent USD or ECD to only find that I can't place the object, cant use it, or need a feature. These things need to be outlined I somewhere. I have even spoke to people that have been here a few years and they said they have made the same mistakes when they first started.

    In conclusion, I think we should have a page dedicated to the things removed from the game, things you can only use with features, things that are not removed from game but you cant place/spawn/use.

    Edit: Here are some things I am talking about which should be mentioned somewhere.

    1. You guys offer mcmmo on your server. As a new player I saw that i was moving up fishing levels and wondered what it was. People told me it was mcmmo so I looked it up to find all the "perks" from that plugin. I figured since you had the mcmmo plugin that it dropped diamond. This is why i got a star rod and bought multiple level boosts for fishing. If I would have known the diamond legendary loot was remove i honestly would not have gone the route of star rod/fishing mcmmo. Please outline these types of removals somewhere so people know and are not surprised when they realize they cant get the legendary diamond drops.

    2. Here is another example of what I did early on and i know quite a few people that have done the same. Purchase a enchanted book only to find out you cant place an anvil without a feat.

    There are a lot more but these are just a few. I will outline a lot more of the things we should make note of if this post is considered and not immediately locked.
    #1 KaylahJacobs, Dec 15, 2017
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2017
  2. KingCharlie9

    KingCharlie9 EcoPremiumPrestigeLegendTycomaster
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    Jun 25, 2017
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    We need a page just to clear up what you can't do without a feature, things you can't place, things removed.
    Why? Because not only does this help newer players understand better and reduce the amount of loss, it also helps you as an owner, andrew, because then they might donate for that feature.

    We need this, honestly if this is denied, then wow.
    This should be a page on the wiki.
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  3. stigarose

    stigarose Eyecare Ex-EcoLegend
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    Jan 7, 2016
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    Mcmmo is confusing. Period. There should be an ecc mcmmo wiki page outlining eccs use of mcmmo what the perks are of leveling and at what level. There is, I believe, in the tutorial section, perhaps by @314 I don’t recall, an mcmmo outline... if it’s accurate it should be stickied or made into a wiki section.

    I know there is /help but they’re confusing too.

    I don’t think the anvil thing is a big deal, there is a lot of peeps who do free or near free anvil services.
    #3 stigarose, Dec 15, 2017
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2017
  4. andrewkm

    Founder Premium Upgrade

    Apr 5, 2011
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    If you need help understanding a certain aspect of our server use the Help Support / Section.

    If you’d like to spend a few hours writing up a wiki page use the ECC Wiki Submissions forum section.

    I don’t have time to write wiki pages outlining what is and isn’t on a server that’s been around for 6-7 years. Far too busy for that.

    This suggestion is better off suited in the Wiki section as mentioned above. Perhaps someone from the wiki team can help you. @pokeball92870 recently joined it, maybe ask him and see if he’s interested. It’s really up to the Wiki team.
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    #4 andrewkm, Dec 15, 2017
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2017
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