minecraft username: rapidsickness data value:349,350 current price:$10 suggested price:$25 Brief Descriptionbtained by fishing with a fishing pole Open Discussion: it should be buffed, cause ever since it has been nerfed noone fishes anymore and it would get people to sort of fish again, not as much as before and more than it is now
The price is kept low to make autofishing not worth it and the price will stay this low until it can be prevented.
What he said^ Also people complain about fishing not make enough money but it is a very effortless way of making money, you get a pole and right click every 20 seconds. All other ways of making money require much more effort. FYI: Fish used to be $5 about 4-6 months ago, you should be happy there are so many ways to make money not complaining about something that can be afked and requires very little effort anyway.
I thought I read it used to be 50$ each.... So they didnt have a prpblem before. And if you balance it out, it was about the same profit as selling pumpkins. I know you guys wont care much, cus Im a builder and still untrusted to all but Im with rapid on this.