If anyone can find a real screenshot with me as a builder in it, I'll give you a FREE plot!!!* The photo cannot be photoshopped or faked in any way. Good luck!!! *The plot is in the wild xD
:O I cannot have it??? :O!!! Actually, if, IF I search hard enough, I might be able to find one, it will take a lotta work, but I might be able to find one! If I do, I'll be happy! If not, I shall hax u and steel dat wun xD JK I won't hack you I don't even know how and I wouldn't ever do something that awful
Hey @rabidworm! I have some screenshots of you chatting as a Resident! But, you can't have them UNLESS you give me that one of me as a Builder! Muahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I haz 1k 4 u if u giv dat pic 2 meh Translated into REAL English: I have $1,000 EcoDollars that I'll pay you if you'll send me that pic via PM. Please don't just post it, I don't wanna share it
I was sick for 6 days last week (Saturday-Thursday), and I didn't feel like bringing my laptop out to the couch, plus, the last time I was sick and I did bring it out, I sneezed and coughed all over it, and that was really fun to clean off :/ Now I just have a bunch of make-up work to do for school, but 2 of my 3 "on campus" teachers have missed days too, so I've been trying to figure out what all I have to do. Plus, we're cleaning up our basement, so I've had to help with that. I will be on tomorrow though hopefully, because it's the end of the school-week! The only reason I couldn't be on would be if my computer fan dies. It has been messed up for months now, and I'm too cheap to buy a new one, so I'm just letting it die, lol Anyway, that's why I haven't been on, and that is really off-topic!!!
It's fine I honestly don't care how far off-topic my posts go One thing though, how many days have I been offline for? I don't wanna reach the 2 week point.
If you give me your join date i`ll find it for $5000 (if I don`t find it you can keep your monehs) andrewlstephan Do you still need it?