IGN: UBeagle Town name: Figos Position within town: Owner Players who are being evicted: @GoProDojo @Rip_Peep_2017 @Atzall @pikalovr @888miner888 @_TiMiK_ @Caspy404 @TheCoolSaudi @postwarpreston @SwiftRaptor98 @DvL7 @7moodksa @oOBeachyOo @DrowningInPizza @eddieabery @PandaN0N0 @kimino815 @Tink21 @CutePanda2000 @vwman67 @Smorezs @MrDavinF @Fo_0xY @SplayTick @Jeffster_ @SirChilledMrHobo @subzero69 @PixelHunter_ @AdmiralD @9raziel3 @Tommy_Jay628 @MinhoVH @Banshee312 @Zmonster312 @mari79 @GeorgiePOORgie @_imCj @Pixel75 @Revanrose6 @SpartanAmaroq @LanRooks @LordHassel Do the above players need to remove their LWC?: Yes Please remove your lwc from your plot. IN ADDITION. This town will NOT be worldedited over to the new 1.18 world so your build will poof and not be on the new world map. Reason for evicting the above users: I am not transfering this town to 1.18 map so all members must remove their stuff from the town as of 12/31/2021 at midnight. Anything you wish to transfer to the new world i am wiling to transfer over for you in a town that i will be worldediting over.. FREE OF CHARGE, let me know if you need me to have a place for you to store things in a town that will be transfered over!!! You will not be evicted until 12/31/2021 11:59pm!! this is more than 5 days notice!!!
@UBeagle haven’t used that home in a while forgot i had one in ur town lol u can destroy it dont need anything from it
I will miss my home for sure, but thanks for your offer of a place to put items for the transfer. As of right now, I believe it will not be necessary for me, but if this changes, I will let you know.