So a few weeks ago I got /repair and it worked with enchanted items... Came back on and it was not working. What is up? Is this a bug or something like that? WHY!!?!? Also is this the right place to put the thread?
Pretty sure it belongs in Help and Support, I'll report this post to notify staff that this should be moved.
And just my thoughts, did you buy the feature with your own money irl, or did you buy in game from another user? Because if you bought from another user, and they had paypal fraud or something of the sort, the feature gets removed.
From what I can see within the shop, you have purchases ExtCommands and not ExtCommands+. With ExtCommands you can repair unenchanted items only, but with ExtCommands+ it enables you to fix enchanted items. All I can assume is that maybe you have bought ExtCommands thinking it allows you to repair enchanted items?
After looking at the ExtCommands and ExtCommands+, I figured out what happened. Thank you for the clarification. But that still does not answer why I was able to repair an enchanted pickaxe for a week (or so) then not... Must have been a temporary bug.