@me4502 ... So I thought with the Post from Andrew, that a EXT Creation Wish List would be helpful. If you have other ideas, speak up, but I may not add your idea to the list. EXT Creations: Bridges Previous EXT Features Remove the requirement of Bridge needing Borders to be detected/work. (Imagery Link) Add Bridge Block Protection. That is when a Bridge is created, the blocks used for it cannot be mined, even by the owner. Allow redwire to toggle the status of the bridge sign. New Features Allow bridge signs to be wall mounted and free standing. EXT Creations: Doors Previous EXT Feature Allow redwire to change the state of the Door. Add blocks being used in the door creation to be protected from mining. New EXT Features Allow door signs to be wall mounted and free standing. EXT Creations: Gates Previous EXT Features Remove the confinements needing the gate to be outlined. Add the ability of letting redwire change the gate's status. Remove the requirement of the sign being above the gate system. New Features Allow the use of Nether Fence, Iron Bars and Glass Blocks in the gate system.
+1 I love it all hope they all come to ECC but my main 2 fav is redstone works and the destruction of the bridge, door, gat.