Well this past sunday i woke with a 106F fever. Ive been in the hospital since then. Im not supposed to be on my computer for long but i should be out by next week. Wish me luck :?
Thanks... Right now my temp is 101F It'll probably be back up soon. Oh well, the nurse says i have to get off Bye...
Ty... I can be on for like 30 mins a day so im doing 6 5min incraments to do "Stuff" I feel rested though might not be on for rest of day fever rising from 102-103 in past 30 mins... Oh well time for another ice bath
that's of-fully high... what was wrong... horrible flu? 106 can give you brain damage or maybe 108.. anyways 106 is too high guess that why you are in the hospital... damn... hope you get well and stay well.
I'm going to echo the words of the other users who posted: Hope you overcome this fever quickly, and that it stays away once you beat it! Get well soon!
Meh back again... Was in medicaly induced coma... Temp was at 107 almost died... cant think straight... Stupid meds...
wtf arb.... i think you need to focus on getting better and ignore us.. Something major is going on obviously.... we All wish you and your family the best.
I think andrew will save ArbInc for you, and until you get bether don't come, drink alot (not alcohol, that don't help) and save energy (sleep!). Hope you get bether soon!
Arb if you almost died you shouldn't be on the computer, focus on other things (Echoing Zeno's words) seriously, Zeno is a doctor himself and I would suggest listening to him.... If you died all you'd do is make everyone sad..
Don't mention death! Thats the WORST that could happen. I think we should all think on the positive side. Like, if he gets better, he will be back! And ArbInc will be saved!
Yay im pretty much in the clear... Im still on a ton of crap though and i will have a normal body temp of 101F now apperently... OH well Im back on