Town of Holland /warp holland EcoCityCraft's most desired spawn town on Main is now up for grabs! One of the most beautiful cities in the entire network, this spacious 225x225 town, encompassing many precious artifacts, including one of the few existing andrewkm heads on the server, could be yours. Rules/How It Works Reply to your thread with your bid. Just list a monetary amount, nothing else. You can discord DM me (United#7246) any further questions you may have about the auction. Bidding starts at $1,000,000 ECD. Increments must be a minimum of $250,000 ECD. Any money you bid must be in your balances on the forum bank and ingame network-wide for as long as you are the leading bid. Auction ends within 24 hours of no further bids. Player who wins is transferred both legal and official ownership of the town at no cost. Good luck!