IGN: @StanleyMines Town name: Bastion Position within town: Owner/Coowner Players who are being evicted: @123TYLER13 @Avaina1918 @balrogtamer @BlameYourGPU @BOSSEST226 @brendanmine2012 @brianwee @brown_people @candymaster5 @CaptainWow12 @Charged_Creepers @corncake7 @cuppet @Da_Matrix_Master @DaNewKid @Denzi_p @DevotedToSatan @Dreakus1886 @efuunkyy @EnderCreeper380 @EpicPwn215 @EthanB23 @evanround @galexy6042 @HAWK0191 @Hoppip23 @horselover3 @Hound_Dog32 @icecrmpntjb @ihazpiez87 @JaCoBiE1234 @JonnyBallgame18 @Jrod28Birrd @JustOneGecko @khrones @labrador9108 @money11511 @mrtacos_2 @MUDKIP12345 @MusicmanX @NathanRL @netherman222 @Nicit6 @Orrakron @Owen6464 @pauldersgate @PiggyyBank @Pinkykat12 @qqwg1234 @RaigMuffin @restes @sarasnake99 @SirChilledMrHobo @sonic881 @sopph @spiderpoison646 @starfire188 @SunBurst97 @surferkev @Sweetgun23 @TamerCarnivore7 @tom13king @vtario5 @XxLeRawrxX @XxTROLLCANOxX @zatara_Jess Do the above players need to remove their LWC?: If possible, please do. Reason for evicting the above users: Clearing town to sell new plots & make town active again. Please reply if you would like to keep your plot(s). If you do, please tell me where your plot(s) are. I have sent a mail message to everyone here. If you had perms in the town of Ise, and were removed, and you still have a plot there, forum message me. Other Info: /warp Bastion
This is like the 4th time I am telling you. I am not a member of the town, I was invited there by someone to help with designing the warp point. Feel free to remove me whenever lol.