IGN: _John_Galt Town name: Aquayensid Position within town: Owner Players who are being evicted: @_Orereo @aimanmalaysian @aqqel @ATWINKIE @brandopark @Cramerica84 @daveed888 @dhrum1234567899 @DiamondDesire @Evanj421 @expoldzibo @Falconaire @georgie0417 @Gogoplatau @HortonHeardAJew @jackiedoodles @jdraw @Jet0318 @Joliver @JZ2020 @LaBelleDame @Maco20047 @Marceltheboss22 @minecraftbros0 @PiggyyBank @rockinggirl44 @ryandesmond1 @steakandbone @stephaniesalvatore @Superwaffles01 @UnstopableVirus @wicked_me @Wikid_Me @xxmrpinpointxx @yellowasian_rw Do the above players need to remove their LWC?: Yes, if they have any. Reason for evicting the above users: The town is essentially been abandoned. I am going to raze it and it will become a part of the new Galt estate. All rights will be removed on 1/2/16 per the 3 day notice for evictions. Please respond here if I can remove your access sooner. Under no circumstances are any of the above users to remove anything from the town without checking with me, as there is no indication that anything in the town (region) would belong to an individual other than a handful of trade signs. At the same time, if I have removed something which one of the above believes should not have been removed, please message me in game and we will discuss. Thank you, @_John_Galt
Also @StephieSalvatore was tagged incorrectly, and Aqqel is @BillyL24's brother who is permabanned for some reason or another.
Thanks for the correction...I know some of them are banned, but since there were so many I just tagged them all rather than filter them out
I don't think so...I saw a few trade signs belonging to Marceltheboss, but if I do see any LWC's of yours I'll let you know instead of having them removed. No need for me to take people's stuff just because they forgot about it.
I bought this and several adjoining towns from Aqqel a long time ago...who I think bought this one from some gstoner3 guy.
"some guy"? *grin* Actually, Aqqel "town claimed" it during my 18 month hiatus. Sometime after I left, the Town Claim rule was introduced. I had plans to make AquaYensid as an underwater city, but real life got in the way *shrugs* I have come to accept (and approve of) the idea of Town Claims, there were a LOT of empty towns back then Some history: Yensid was my Mayor town, and Aquayensid was my Pres towns, both back in 2012. Yensid was supposed to be an amusement park (Disney backwards), but could never figure out how to make money from it, then I was gone for a while.