so go to town portals and where the lift down sign should be, its blank! and i'm too lazy to use the ladder! we need the lift down sign! AHHHH! it's a crisis!!!! btw: <---- it's missing!!!! ahhhh! -faints-
Floor 13 lift up broken Floor 14 lift down broken Floor 16 lift down broken Floor 17 lift down broken Floor 15 lift up broken
andrewkm spawn hates the lift signs!!! it's happening again and i can't use the lift signs and be lazy D: and all the signs are gonez!
andrewkm I remember something like this happens with permissions. This may have been fixed a long time ago, but I remember if you broke a sign(lift or anything) and you didn't have permissions to the area, then it would do the thing it does where it disappears, then comes back, but then the sign is blank until a restart or it is fixed.
That is completely clientside, though. The signs will be fixed when you leave the area and return or when you relog.
Not true. I relogged, restarted minecraft, left the area, everything. It was annoying because I was trying to use the portals but I couldn't see the names.