These valuable resource links are not found: - Read and understand The_Builder's_Getting_Started_Guide on the ECC Wiki -'s_Getting_Started_Guide - Read and understand Collecting_Proper_Evidence - Expectation: Not sure why the links are broken but expect them to point to these valuable resources. Thank you for your time and consideration.
May I ask where you found those URLs? They still point towards the old mediawiki, which no longer exists. All wiki URLs in sticky threads should have been converted to the new xenForo wiki. "Collecting Proper Evidence" is now located at, but "The Builder's Getting Started Guide" appears to no longer exist.
Those are the links to the guides that I have used for the Builder Bonus programs for years now to help our newest players learn to play safe. They were here: Thank you for looking into this for us. Is there any chance that the starter guide could appear to exist? Is this one more item I need to add to my list that the infamous PI broke... err... fixed back in the day?
We need to thank @eana_utral for letting me know. And we appreciate your time in repairing this... I feel these guides really help our newest players get started and learn to play safe... the less scamming the better always. Of course, the trolls that prey on our builders are for the most part banned, or soon will be with our most diligent staff and since the new guidelines have been implemented!
@AdmiralD Pro tip: By entering in the BBCode Code: [wiki=short]the-builders-getting-started-guide[/wiki] You get an embedded wiki page the-builders-getting-started-guide
Pro tip: Please don't because "short" is apparently a very vague term. It seems to embed the whole wiki page (which I wouldn't exactly consider to be 'short') and it's pretty painful to scroll past it on the mobile version of the site. .-.