So I bought an erepair of an Eff5 Unbr3 diamond axe today from mrpublic. Fairly well documented with screenshots to confirm... However, upon return, the axe had no enchantment, and the axe's durability had been dinged such that it seemingly had been used once. mrpublic cannot find an axe fitting the description, and considering that he's a donor I trust he's being honest. What could be the cause? Is this a bug? I realize there probably aren't too many erepairs of Eff5 items anymore to test with. Do those items just provide no worth now? Is there any way I could get it back? It was certainly a big investment!
Found it!!! I just had to relog! Whew! Thank goodness. (plug: use mrpublic for all your e-repair needs!)
Wow, if you would've lost it you would've lost double the worth of items that I have lost in the about 7 months ive been playing on this server