I, personally, think that the amount of orbs needed for each enchantment are really unnecessary. I would LOVE it if they were lowered. What do you think? Comment below! ~Monkeyz505 -----------------------------------[Edit]----------------------------------- I understand that lowering will hurt the economy now. Read the comments before commenting yourself, please. ~Monkeyz505
If you have a valid, and logical, reason for the EXP/enchantment prices to be lowered, then you should make a thread in the suggestion section of the forum, to explain your reasoning. Otherwise, this says the reason why prices are how they are the best:
They cost what they do, as KMax said, for a reason. Personally, I like when things are more expensive. Why? I get more joy, satisfaction, and the items, in this case tools, mean more to me because I had to work to get them!
The one main reason why I posted this is because I had 51 levels (sorry, not sure how many orbs that is) and wanted to get something that said it needed 4000... (Luck of the Sea) It makes me frustrated when 51 levels doesn't get something you can get with level 30, 825 orbs. Of course, when you show the math behind it, it sort of makes sense, but still, not really. The only benefit I can POSSIBLY think is if you could put another enchantment on an enchanted tool/book/weapon/armor. Would save money on trying to combine them. And does EVERYTHING need to have some sort of HUGE market? Some things shouldn't have a market. Just my opinion.
Also, I wanted to see what others thought, and if enough people just so happen to say the amounts were to high, I would've posted another thread in the suggestion forums. There are minuscule reasons to my madness.
I agree the prices may be to high, however if they were to be lowered it would be too easy to gain the tools which you wanted. Keeping it at the current price allows the enchantments on the server to be monitored and kept within acceptable bounds.
Yes I agree with Maco here this is a hard core Economy server, if they where to be lowered it would be to easy to "Beet the server"
Yes, it's a Hardcore economy, but one problem I have with it is I can't tell how many levels I need to get the wanted enchantment. I could do the math, but in all reality, no one wants to do that kind of math in their free time. If there was a guide put outside the shops, that would be a smart thing to do, in my opinion. Maybe not others, but certainly mine.
/exp my friend. If you know the basic exp system (825 exp = 30 levels, 39, and so on) it won't be hard to figure out how many levels you need. Get lost? /exp
It's been around for ages. Just ignore how many levels you have, because they're totally irrelevant unless using anvils.
I empathize with what you were saying in the beginning. Before, you could gamble on getting the enchantment you wanted. If you didn't get it, you could sell the item/book/enchant and try again to use the money to invest in more exp, or do other things with the money. There was a natural flexibility to it. Personally, I still wonder if the supposed 1.8 enchanting would have damaged the economy. I have some thoughts based on descriptions I have read, but I don't know enough about it. At some point I would like to try to conduct testing. At the same time, I feel that even though the enchanting shop limits options, it also creates options like being able to manage enchanting prices. Perhaps there could be a way to randomize enchanting or something, so that you can reduce the prices while still maintaining control of it for econ purposes, and give life back to the old flexibility. Instead of an Enchanting Table, an Enchanting Sign. And then if you don't want to gamble, you use the enchanting signs in the exp shop.
As you've been told there is /exp. Also for future reference: http://www.radthorne.info/exp.php That will tell you how many orbs are in a certain level. Finally, why does everything have to be a market? Well lets consider irl America. There is a market for clothing, food, education, and much more. There really isn't such a thing as something without a market. Every product is a market. Why? Because every product, should logically have people who want it. If no one wants it then it shouldn't be a product. If someone wants it, then it is a product. If it is a product then it is part of the economy and effects everything. Let us consider now, experience. Experience is a mine craft basic necessity. You make experience in ECC by mining or killing mobs. Then from there you take that experience and you can do many things with it. It is a multi-purpose tool. You can Enchant and/or rename basically everything imaginable. Oh you are a farmer? Then how about you enchant Fortune 3 on an axe or a pickaxe and then you will get more seeds from farming. Oh, you're a miner? Then lets put Eff 5, Silk 1 or Fort3 with Unbreak 3 on a pick. You like to fish, enchant your fishing rod. You like to kill mobs, enchant your sword and armor. You like to pvp enchanting is the answer. So you ask why it has be a market. Because it effects every facet of ECC Life to date. Because enchanting is the under belly of the market. Because one does not simply play mine craft without needing an enchanted item eventually. I would argue that enchanting is one of the few markets on ECC that touches every section of the economy. It is the biggest, most important market. It is a market that anyone of any level can get into with time and effort. So, yes. This is a market because this is an economy. Thus, everything is a market and that is simply how it will likely continue. On the topic. As I have just explained, EXP has touched/effected every facet of our economy. Our current system allows for guaranteed enchantments. The only thing proposed here that I could probably see working as a change was the suggestion provided by Onscene. If that is doable, then I hope we do it. That all being said, I'm moving this to Suggestions due to the fact that Price discussions also go there.
its currently possible to get all enchants with a bit of time. with prices lowered enchants will be more available. thus making farming easier. with easier farming makes crop prices go down. when crop prices go down. it harder to make money. would you rather pay 9k orbs for an enchant or sell your pumpkins/melons at 0.05$ per? changing prices can negatively effect the rest of the economy. when farm prices go down builders cant make money. means builder plots have to lower prices. mayors make less. less goes into lottery. lottery usage goes down. and the chain continues. with enchants lower nstars will be worth less and less cause there is less demand. from upgrading a e5 pick to an e7 doesnt sound as nice as going from an unenchanted to an e7 pick. prices for all blocks will decrease. making stores less profitable. changing it will destroy what little stability the economy of ECC has.
Okay, so I've come to understand that this is a market and lowering will hurt it, no point in arguing about that, and the sign thing is a bust because of /exp... Should I even try to make a suggestion about a plug-in that would actually tell you how many orbs you have instead of levels, or maybe have both the orb number and level number on the screen? Because as nicit said, the amount of levels is irrelevant, except for anvils, so maybe..?
If they get lowered the supply will go up as the demand gets satisfied. Also these tools will be worth less making it so the crops/ores/whatever will become worth less. When that becomes worth less everyone's profits go down. Do you really want that?