IGN: @matrix_rep Users Involved in this Contract: @matrix_rep @Captain_Death_33 General Purpose of Contract: Safe sale of an EFF7 ID Number: #IIHXI5R6 on a payment plan. I (the contract initiator) agree to the following terms, and agree that my failure to complete such terms will result in a breach of contract, as outlined in Rule 3: I @matrix_rep agrees to give @Captain_Death_33 the EFF7 within 48 hours of this contracts approval and the upfront money being recieved. I @matrix_rep also agrees to transfer ownership of this Eff7 once the payment plan has finished and fully paid off within 48 hours of @Captain_Death_33 informing @matrix_rep of the final payment being paid (With Screenshot) In a forum mail. The other user(s) involved with this contract must agree to the following terms: @Captain_Death_33 agrees to pay 600k upfront within 48 hours of this contracts approval. @Captain_Death_33 agrees to pay 100k every Sunday for the next 10 weeks totaling to 1 mil (Plus 600k upfront would give a total of 1.6mil) If @Captain_Death_33 is late on more than one payment 50k will be added at the end of the debt for every week they are late. (first late is free, but as I said no exceptions for the second time) "the late fees will be a spereate payment 1 week after the final payment on April 9th, maxing out to 150k in late fees" @Captain_Death_33 can be late UP to 3 times (4 including the first free one) after that I @matrix_rep have the right to reclaim the eff7 with no compensation. @Captain_Death_33 is not allowed to resell or rent the eff7 until the eff7 has been paid off and /owned to him. @Captain_Death_33 agrees that if he looses or breaks the pick at any point during the payment plan, he will continue on the plan that has been scheduled and inform @matrix_rep If @Captain_Death_33 wishes to end the payment plan, he must return the star tool and any payments that have been made will be not refunded and the rest of the payment plan will end. Payment Due Dates: 29th January 2017 - 100k 5th Feb 2017 - 100k 12th Feb 2017 - 100k 19th Feb 2017 - 100k 26th Feb 2017 - 100k 5th March 2017 - 100k 12th March 2017 - 100k 19th March 2017 - 100k 26th March 2017 - 100k 2nd April 2017 - 100k Payments are every Sunday and must be paid on the Sunday by 11:59pm EST. Sign is located at /warp debt in rising. Cords: x=-2838 y=64 z=-13925 I agree that the terms in this contract are subject to all of EcoCityCraft's rules, including the rules listed specifically in this forum. I understand that the contract may be affected by future changes in EcoCityCraft rules and server updates, and I accept that due to the possibility of such changes, this contract may be at my own risk. I understand that the contents of this contract are subject to staff assessment, review and approval before it is a binding contract under EcoCityCraft rules. I accept that action may not be taken in case of a breach of contract if appropriate and sufficient evidence is not provided of such.: Yes
IGN: @Captain_Death_33 I, as another party to this contract, agree to the terms laid out for me to uphold, and understand that failure to complete such terms will result in a breach of contract: Yes
Hey @matrix_rep I will need to you to make the following changes / fixes. 1) In the contract it states the following, @Captain_Death_33 agrees to pay 100k every Monday for the next 10 weeks totaling to 1 mil (Plus 600k upfront would give a total of 1.6mil) You state the payments have to be made for Monday, but on the payment schedule the dates are on sundays and it states the payments must be made before Sunday, Please fix this. 2)If @Captain_Death_33 is late on more than one payment 50k will be added at the end of the debt for every week they are late. (first late is free, but as I said no exceptions for the second time) You need to be more specific with these late fees, clarify the late fees will be a weekly payment after the plan or a lump sum and the specific date of them. As well as a cap for the late fee payments before the contract is breached and a complaint is filed. After these changes are made and approved @Captain_Death_33 Will have to reaccept the contract.
IGN: @Captain_Death_33 I, as another party to this contract, agree to the terms laid out for me to uphold, and understand that failure to complete such terms will result in a breach of contract: Yes
GN: @Captain_Death_33 I, as another party to this contract, agree to the terms laid out for me to uphold, and understand that failure to complete such terms will result in a breach of contract: Yes
Thanks for making the appropriate changes, contract looks good now. Make sure you take screenshots of every transaction with time stamps (double tap f2) Locked - Contract Approved