Welcome to EdoCentralCity,Base,Home Portal on 16th Floor, Red Line UPDATESShop space, apartments and plots are up for sale! Pm me ingame or on the forumWheat farm expanded to 21 floors! MAYORSBlueSakanaTopicDogg CITY FEATURESCurrent Public Farms Wheat (Water-harvest TBC) --- 29x29x21 Pumpkin --- 64x11x11 Melon --- 64x11x11 Reed --- 20x31x2 Cocoa --- 11x30x1 Netherwart --- 6x18x3 Tree Farms (Spruce, Brich, Oak, Jungle) Fishing Tables Repair Shop (By TopicDogg) Brewing & Enchanting Rooms Multipurpose Hall Meeting Rooms Restrooms Swimming Pool City Map MacDonald's On Hold Metro Network Upcoming (WIP) PvP Arena Public Library Carrot & Potato Farms
CURRENT RESIDENTS TopicDogg --- 1-19/20 roamerz, tang_tiffany --- 1-18 jesus9o9, fletcherm1999 --- 1-12 minecrafter0702 --- Apt A7-01 (penthouse), 2-11 Areosis --- 1-11 Punisher5665 --- 3-2, 2-13 Aero_Trident --- 2-12 InsectOverlord --- 3-1 coolacdc --- 2-4 kverhulp --- 3-3 battlor12 --- 2-5 RiRad --- 1-26 Sinisa26 --- 2-8 Town Layout PLOT / APARTMENT PRICES Plot 5 x 5 --- $500 Plot 10 x 10 --- $1,000 Plot 15 x 15 --- $2,250 Plot 20 x 15 --- $3,000 Plot 20 x 20 --- $4,000 Plot 30 x 15 --- $4,000 Plot 30 x 20 --- $5,000 Plot 30 x 30 --- $8,000 Apt 12 x 24 --- $2,000 Apt 15 x15 --- $2,000 Apt 20 x 15 --- $2,500 Apt 23 x 12 --- $2,500 Penthouse --- $5,000 CITY RULES General Griefing of ANY FORM is strictly prohibited and will not be tolerated. Violators will be removed without exceptions. Anti-social behaviour, such as but not limited to vulgaries, verbal abuse etc, are strictly prohibited. Damages to public facilities MUST be repaired or reported to the mayor(s) of EdoCentral, including roads, farms, parks, castle etc. Failure to do so will result in investigations and penalties to perpetrator(s). Inactivity of 14 days or more MUST be communicated to the mayors(s). Violators will risk removal from EdoCentral. Public Farms Public farms are for all town members to use and usage MUST follow rules detailed at the door of the farms. Replant all seeds after harvest or damage. Repair any damage seen or report them to the mayor(s) if repair is not possible. All public farms have donation signs which all proceeds will go to the maintenance of EdoCentral. Violators will be dealt with at the discretion of the mayor(s) after investigations, this may result in removal from EdoCentral. Building Build only within the designated plot, i.e. within but NOT including the leave boundaries, within apartment walls for apartments in the castle. Ownership of plots by more than one player is only allowed for plot sizes equal to or larger than 20 x 20 Farms are strictly prohibited above ground (z=63), except small ones for decoration purposes only. Constructions are subject to height limits detailed as follows: 5x5 - 25 10x10 - 40 15x15 & 15x20 - 60 20x20 & 30x15 - 80 30x30 & 30x20 - 100 Constructions are allowed all the way to bedrock. Constructions are encouraged to be aesthetically pleasing and have an oriental style; cubes are strictly prohibited. For constructions in apartments in the castle, alterations to the stonebrick floors and ceilings, netherbrick, wool, glowstone and glass walls are strictly prohibited. Trade signs on visible areas of the plot or apartment, i.e. on the outer walls etc. are strictly prohibited. Violators will be warned and dealt with at the discretion of the mayor(s) after investigations, this may result in removal from EdoCentral.
Shop space are now for rent in the main castle! SHOP DIRECTORYS1-1-1 --- VacanS1-2 --- The Black Mage - Jesus9o9 (17 Mar 2013)S1-3 --- VacantS1-4 --- VacantS2-1 --- VacantS2-2 --- VacantS2-3 --- VacantS2-4 --- VacantS2-5 --- VacantS2-6 --- VacantS3-1 --- VacantS3-2 --- VacantS3-3 --- VacantS3-4 --- VacantS3-5 --- Vacant RENT RATES 1F - $180/wk 2F - $150/wk 3F - $150/wk Restaurant on 3F - $150/wk All shops, 1st week free! Contracts are on a monthly basis. SHOP RULES Build only within the designated plot, i.e. within but NOT including the stoneslab boundaries. Alterations to the stonebrick floors and ceilings, netherbrick, wool, glowstone and glass walls are strictly prohibited. Shops on 1F MUST have a specific specialization, e.g. Mining, Wood, Building etc. Only one instance of each specialization is allowed. All shops on 1F must be well-stocked. General stores are allowed on 2F and 3F. Please make the shops look nice. Restaurant MUST only sell food and restrictions on locations of trade signs apply. Pm me for a visit and more detailed info. Advertising shop of the server is at the discretion of the shop owner. Advertising in the town is restricted to the noticeboards on each floor of the castle.