EcoLegends should get the default rank color of bright blue. This would make them stand out and would be the highest rank color. For example: [G] [$$$EcoLegend$$$] [VIP] ZevZero: Test We all know that blue is taken by Auction Chat. The solution? Disable chatting in /ch auc, only use it for displaying auctions. No one uses Auction Chat to talk, and if anything, people advertise their auction in Trade Chat. Disabling chat from auc and using the blue color as a new rank color would make a lot of sense. The rank color would also affect their name color on forums, to make them stand out. No one talks in auction chat, everyone just uses trade chat to advertise their auctions. If disabling it isn't an option, we can always use &8 for the auction chat color. [AUC] [VIP] ZevZero: Buy my dirt now.
-1 Talking in auction is a valuable aspect of the economy and the idea you proposed of a possible EcoLegend color looks much too similar to the Owner's rank color.
Not really. Agreed. The colors are fine the way it is... plus I like having the "$$$" next to the name
That is because auction is defaulted off while the trivia chat is defaulted on. This being an economy server, I would assume it would be better if it was just the opposite. I usually only remember to turn it on when... I see trivia start and turn it off... someone advertises an auction in the trade channel... or... I remember when I have to completely retype my ignore list.
The color is already superior. If the rank color where to be changed, then the EcoMaster rank color would need to be changed as EcoLegend and EcoMaster both are suppose to resemble each other as high ranks. To make it short, the colors are fine and should not be changed. Although, I do like the idea of the forum colors, but what would be better on the forum colors would be to have EcoLeaders+ have a dark blue unlike that of what the Moderators color is. Maybe use the Light colored blue like this as it would stand out over that ugly orange and show your actual rank color on the forums as most change their rank under their name with forum premium.
Forgot to put that in, I didn't intentionally leave it out. The EcoLegend tag is already mod color, other than the $$$ signs. The only difference would be the bright blue name/tags, which is different from the mod color. I don't think people would mistake the two.