So I plan on making a Ecocitycraft song to the turn of Boom de yada. You must be well-known to actually have a singing part on the song. You must also have ventrilo. If you would like to be a background person, your more than welcome. I have camtasia and will be doing all the recording. Here are the lyrics: I love the mountains [ANYONE] I love the clear blue skies [ANYONE] I love big sculptures [ANYONE IN FRONT OF THE BIG SCULPTURES AT SPAWN] I love when fire balls fly [WELIKEIKE22] I love the whole world and all the big buildings Boomdiada Boomdiada Boomdiada Boomdiada I love the ocean [Sputnicks] I love real dirty things [dr_buttito_phd] I love to moderate [SITOMO/UNKNOWN/Any other mod] I love to loudly sing [ZENFREAK] I love the whole world and all its crazyness Boomdiada Boomdiada Boomdiada Boomdiada I love pixel art [SITOMO/WOLVIE] I love my big mansion [Must have a big mansion] I love to PVP [unknown] I love andrewkm [GAME ADMIN/MOD] I love the whole world Its such a brilliant place boomdiada boomdiada boomdiada boomdiada I hope to see everyone come together and help this project work
lol. This would be interesting... Although, I hate to be negative, but a few things I feel need updated in those lyrics. Some of it just doesn't seem like it'd fit the tune that well, and it seems that people like sitomo go under 3 verses... I'd like to see more people than just a few. As well, some of the lyrics don't seem to fit other parts of the tune. Like... "I love to kill people" As much sense as that makes to kinda showcase what the server is... It doesn't seem to fit the tune right. It's a happy tune about loving the whole world, then you throw killing people in there. xD
I suck at coming up with good lyrics. I'm a better critic than a songwriter. It's that way for a lot of things actually... I know what's good and how to make it good. Doesn't mean I'm capable to making it good. xD